Body Contouring

What is Body Contouring?
Body contouring, is a combination of non-surgical fat reducing procedures that reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat and contour the shape of different areas of the body. At Monaco, you will receive a comprehensive assessment and be treated with multiple modalities including Laser Lipolysis, Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radio Frequency, and Lymphatic Drainage.


How does the Procedure work? 
Laser Lipolysis:

The laser energy penetrates down to the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes. This causes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink, potentially resulting in lost inches. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.

Ultrasonic Cavitation:

During an ultrasonic cavitation procedure a hand held device will emit  low-frequency sound waves causing the layer of fat cells below the skin's surface to begin to heat up and vibrate. The pressure eventually causes the fat cells to liquefy and release their contents into the bloodstream.

Radio Frequency Therapy

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin.The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin creating heat and  stimulating the production of collagen.

Who is a good candidate? 
A good candidate would be one who is already very close to their ideal body weight and has mild to moderate amounts of stubborn pockets of fat or skin laxity.

When will I see results and when can I return to everyday activities?
Many patients see visible results after one treatment. However, up to 6 treatments spaced at least 1 week apart can be administered to reach the desired effect. Once the aesthetic response is achieved, re-treatment is not expected.