B-12 Injection

What are B12 Injections?
Vitamin B12, also called cobalamine is one of the eight water-soluble B vitamins. Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient that assists with several processes in your body. Vitamin B12 helps your body create cells, keep your nervous system healthy and helps you properly metabolize food. Not getting enough Vitamin B12 can affect your nerve function and contribute to some types of anemia. B12 helps the body in converting carbohydrates into glucose or sugar, which is burned in order to produce energy for the functioning of the body. It is essential also for the breakdown of fats and proteins. It helps to improve energy levels by providing more energy to burn more calories. The more calories burnt, the less storage of fat, which ultimately assists in weight loss. Many patients have commented that it helps you to gain the energy to be more active in your everyday lifestyle.

How does the Procedure work?
The procedure involves a quick injection to the buttocks or arm to allow your body to absorb the full benefits of vitamin B12.

Who is a good candidate?
Certain medicines used for other conditions may affect the absorption of vitamin B12. The most common example is metformin which is a medicine often used for diabetes. Other medicines include colchicine, neomycin, and some anticonvulsants used to treat epilepsy. Vitamin B12 supplements are generally non-toxic, so there is little risk in taking them. However, these supplements may interfere with the absorption of certain medications, so talk to your health care provider before taking a vitamin B12 supplement.

When will I see results and when can I return to everyday activities?
You can return to everyday activities immediately following injection of Vitamin B12. Results vary depending on the individual and the degree of B12 insufficiency, but many can feel the improvements of Vitamin B12 within a couple of days.

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Weight Loss
Vitamin B12 helps your body convert food to energy, breaking carbohydrates down into simple sugars and helping your body digest proteins and fats. This aids in the pace of your metabolism and helps your body use the food you eat more efficiently as fuel.


Understanding Vitamin B12
Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow, and millions are released into the bloodstream each day. A constant new supply of red blood cells is needed to replace old cells that break down. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin binds to oxygen and transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. To constantly make red blood cells and hemoglobin, you need a healthy bone marrow and nutrients such as iron and certain vitamins, including vitamin B12, which we get from food.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

  • Common symptoms include tiredness, lethargy, feeling faint, and becoming breathless.

  • Less common symptoms include headaches, a thumping heart (palpitations), altered taste, loss of appetite, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

  • Looking pale.

  • Sore mouth and tongue.

If left untreated, psychological and neurological problems can develop. Psychological problems may include depression, confusion, and difficulty with memory or even dementia. Nerve problems may include numbness, pins and needles, vision changes and unsteadiness.

Sources of B12
Vitamin B12 is abundant in fish, especially salmon, trout, tuna and clams. Liver and red meats also contain high amounts of this vitamin. Dairy products such as low-fat milk, yogurt and cheeses are also recommended sources. Vegetarians can obtain the vitamin from supplements or fortified ready-to-eat breakfast cereals