Monaco Medical Aesthetics

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Belkyra™ Double Chin Treatment

What is the Belkyra™ treatment?
Belkyra™ is a non-surgical procedure to remove the appearance of a double chin. It contains a chemical compound found naturally in our bodies called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid aids in the absorption and breakdown of fat cells in the food we eat. In this procedure, it is injected into the chin area to dissolve unwanted fat and remove the appearance of a double chin.

How does the Procedure work? 
Belkyra™ is administered by injection into the fat under the chin by a Monaco Cosmetic Nurse Injector.

Who is a good candidate? 
A good candidate is one who has mild to moderate submental fat seeking to reduce the amount of fat content under the chin.

When will I see results and when can I return to everyday activities?
Many patients see visible results in two to four treatments. However, up to 6 treatments spaced at least 4 weeks can be administered to reach the desired effect. Once the aesthetic response is achieved, re-treatment is not expected.