Pink Intimate System

What is the Pink Intimate System?
The Pink Intimate System is a painless skin brightening and rejuvenation system made in Italy. It uses a topical solution, containing safe ingredients that are clinically formulated to lighten unsightly blemishes and darkening of common delicate areas in the body.


How does the Procedure work?
The procedure begins with a deep purification of the skin, followed by the application of the Pink Intimate System. The solution contains a delicate mixture of safe lightening ingredients like glutathione and kojic acid to improve the appearance of darkened sensitive areas. The entire procedure can take between 45 and 60 minutes.

Who is a good candidate?
Anyone looking to lighten and rejuvenate these delicate areas is a good candidate for this service:

  • Underarm

  • Inner thighs

  • Areola – the skin surrounding the nipples

  • Labia majora – outer folds of the skin on the vaginal opening

  • Mons venus (or mons pubis) – the mound flesh above the pubic area

  • Perianal region – the area around the anus

  • Inguinal region – the area of the crotch

When will I see results and when can I return to everyday activities?
Patients can expect to see results or improvement on the treated area after the first application of the solution. For best results, the recommended protocol is six treatments 7 to 10 days apart. There is no downtime associated with this treatment and patients can expect to be back to normal everyday activities immediately.